Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?

Frequently Asked Questions

Need to know a bit more about what we do here? Perhaps you can find some answers below. If not, don't hesitate to get in touch using the form at the bottom.

How much do your services cost?
Well, that of course varies. Starting points for a simple 3-5 page static website, with little updating needed can be as little as $500 if using one of our existing templates, to $1000 for a fully custom solution. More complex sites range from $3-5000+
Prototypes start from around $5000 with more complex examples ranging from $10,000. Again it will all depend on the nature of the project.
Audits consultations are free, and optimizations and getting your site up to standard accessibility specs can be as little a few hundered dollars.
How long does a website take?
Again, it depends on the complexity of the project. But simple sites can be done in a matter of days. More complex sites that require user and stess testing can take between 2-4 weeks. This time frame allows for plenty of revisions and regular client updates.
How long does a prototype take?
Prototypes are, by their very nature, more complicated than websites. Simple ones can be done between 2-4 weeks. More complex ones can take up to 6 weeks.
What if I change my mind about the design half way through?
Simple changes are expected and can be done pretty much on the fly. Site redesigns and overall may increase the time of the original brief, and as such increase costs. As long as you are happy to bear those costs then of course we are happy to make any changes that you desire.
What do I need to get started on web site or protoype?
We can started with as little as simple idea! Our team will be happy sit down with you and take that idea and flesh it out. If you need it designed from scratch we can handle that. If you already have some designs made up, then we can build from those designs no problem.
Why should I use Artemist?
Well there are many reasons. Let me highlight just a few:
1. We are new. That means we are using the very latest in web technologies. This means your sites built by us are fast, SEO optimized, and very cheap to host.
2. We are new. Yes I am repeating myself, but being new our company will live or die by the quality of our work, so you can be sure of getting nothing less than 100% from any job that we undertake with you.

Talk To Us

Drop us a line and see how Artemist can you help you build or improve your digital platform today!